Devil’s Food Cake by Josi S. Kilpack

Title: Devil’s Food Cake

Author: Josi S. Kilpack

Publisher: Deseret Book

Release Date: January 22, 2010

ISBN: 978-1-60641-232-9

Size: 362 pages, 5.5×8.5, softcover

Genre: Mystery

Series: Lemon Tart (v1), English Trifle (v2)

Read Chapter 1

It’s been years since author Thom Mortenson has been back to Garrison, Colorado. As part of the committee who invited the bestselling writer to speak at the library fundraising benefit, Sadie Hoffmiller wants everything to be perfect—right down to the homemade devil’s food cake she baked herself. Certainly, murder was not on the menu.

When Thom’s manager ends up dead on stage, Sadie jumps in to offer her guidance and expertise to investigators. But when the police refuse to take her seriously, Sadie has no choice but to pursue justice on her own. After all, is Sadie to blame if she keeps stumbling over information? Can Sadie turn her back when people intricately woven into the deception keep crossing her path? With her son, Shawn, at her side, her reputation on the line, and a full cast of suspicious characters, Sadie Hoffmiller is once again cooking her way through a case that offers far more questions than answers.

2 thoughts on “Devil’s Food Cake by Josi S. Kilpack”

  1. Just finished this book. I loved it. So many twists and turns. Sadie is fast becoming my favorite busybody!

    This one is my favorite of the three books in the series. Can't wait for the next one this fall.

  2. I loved this book. I just finished it and wish the next one was already out.
    I found this one more enjoyable than English Trifle. Sadie was getting on my nerves for a while but I kept reading and was cheering for her in the end.
    What a fun series!

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