A Far, Far Better Place (Dickens Inn, v2) by Anita Stansfield

Title: A Far, Far Better Place (Dickens Inn, v2)

Author: Anita Stansfield

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: February 1, 2010

ISBN: 978-1598119640

Size: 280 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: General

Series: The Best of Times (v1)

Their lives have all the ingredients for happily-ever-after, until a traumatic and life-changing event in Jackson’s life plunges his family into chaos and sorrow. His mother’s unexpected death hurls him toward a painful pilgrimage into a past that collides with the anguish of the present and threatens to destroy his family’s future.

This compelling sequel to The Best of Times is a story of one family’s secrets, the sorrow of regret, and the miracle of forgiveness. An intense look at marriage, families, pain, breavement, and redemption.

Step into the Dickensian atmosphere of the bed and breakfast that brought Chas and Jackson together, and journey with them toward a new beginning filled with faith in the healing power of the Savior’s love and Atonement.

One thought on “A Far, Far Better Place (Dickens Inn, v2) by Anita Stansfield”

  1. Anita Stansfield does such a wonderful job crafting her stories. I have enjoyed her other books this one is sure to be just as good.

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