Chase the Wind by Clover Autrey

Title: Chase the Wind

Author: Clover Autrey

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Release Date: May 21, 2010
(available now from publisher)


Size: 242 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Speculative

Series: Upon Eagle’s Light

Read an excerpt.

Eagle Assassins are poisoning the leadership of the Pagona Forces, yet Kinalan refuses to believe that there is no hope for his brother, the General. When the Eaglekin Matron insists that she knows of a cure in the far mountains, Kinalan grasps onto it even though he’ll have to rely on one of the Eaglekins he despises to be his guide.

Though Santil has never been on a horse, sheer will and a desire to prove the Eaglekins innocence give her the resolve to go on. Together, Santil and Kinalan will have to ride like the wind to get the cure. If a cure even exists.

3 thoughts on “Chase the Wind by Clover Autrey”

  1. This definitely looks like a speculative/romance 🙂 I can't wait to read it.

  2. This looks like a great story. I've tried to order it at the library but they don't carry it yet. Maybe I'll win it!!

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