Title: Star Scout Rising
Author: Gary Darby
Publisher: Kayto Communications Inc
Release Date: May 1, 2010
ISBN: 978-0982301722
Size: 557 pages, 6×9, softcover
Genre: Speculative
From the last frontier, Space. A must-have, out of this world adventure! Star Scout Rising, First Trail by Gary Darby is a thoughtful, awe-inspiring, and spine-tingling Sci-Fi mystery that follows a young man named Del Baldura during his quest for knowledge, truth, and discovery in the distant future of human and alien kind. This story has it all superb background, surprises, mystery, love, futuristic technological possibilities, bizarre life forms, and a hero trying to make sense of his duty and loyalty, his current leadership responsibilities, and his search for truth about part of his and his family’s history.