Title: A Scent of Lavender
Author: Margaret W. Miller
Publisher: Granite
Release Date: July 29, 2010
ISBN: 978-1599360577
Size: 330 pages, 6×9, Paperback
Genre: Historical
The year is 1879,and mining camps are springing up all over Utah. At the age of 18, Lillian Lewis finds herself alone after the tragic death of her entire family. When she obtains work in a Bullion Canyon boardinghouse in Marysvale, Utah a ruffian miner relentlessly pursues her. Seeking escape from his unwanted attentions, she travels with an old freighter to the mining town of Frisco, Utah where she hopes to be hired as a teacher.
The students she has been hired to teach are incorrigible. Numerous teachers have run screaming from the schoolhouse after only a few days with them, but Lillian doesn’t know the meaning of the word “Quit!”
And in the dark of night, a mysterious lady in black, walks Frisco’s streets, and the gentle scent of lavender swirls through the air. What is their origin, and what secrets do they have to tell?