Title: The Enchanted Tunnel #2: Escape from Egypt
Author: Marianne Monson
Publisher: Deseret Book
Release Date: June, 2010
Size: 96 pages, 5×7.5, softcover
Genre: Middle Grade Historical
This is a chapter book. It is not eligible for a Whitney Award.
The adventure continues in Book 2: Escape from Egypt.
This time Aria and Nathan are prepared – or so they think. The twins dress up as pioneers and crawl under the stage, only to find themselves in ancient Egypt instead!
It is the day before the Exodus. The children spend the night with an Israelite family and share in the Passover with them, but the next morning, as the city empties, they have a hard choice to make.
Do they risk their lives to reunite an Israelite boy with his family, or do they find the tunnel and go home?
The clock is ticking in this exciting second installment of The Enchanted Tunnel series!