The Healing Spell by Kimberley Griffiths Little

Title: The Healing Spell

Author: Kimberley Griffiths Little

Publisher: Scholastic

Release Date: July 1, 2010

ISBN: 978-0545165594

Size: 368 pages, 6×8, Paperback

Genre: Middle Grade

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11-year-old Livie has done something bad — something so terrible and so awful that she can’t tell anybody. If her family knew she was the reason that their mamma fell into a coma, they would never forgive her.

Livie and her mamma never really got along. Livie’s a tomboy who prefers going frogging with her dad. Her mamma wanted her to start growing up and becoming a young lady like her two sisters. But Livie’s not like that. She never has been and she never will be.

When Livie’s daddy decides to bring mamma home to recover from the coma, everybody thinks he’s crazy. The nurses and doctors thinks she needs to stay in the hospital, but Livie’s father thinks that if mamma’s at home, she’ll get all the love and care she will need to wake up.

But it’s hard taking care of momma. And it’s going to be even harder once Livie’s older sister, Faye, gets married and moves out of the house. So Livie decides to visit the local traiteur. Some people call them voodoo priestesses, but Livie thinks that the traiteur is the only person who can help cure her mamma of the sleeping sickness. The traiteur gives Livie a recipe for a healing spell, but, in order for it to work, Livie must believe in hope and faith.

Can Livie forgive herself for what she’s done? Can she help cure her mamma and make her family whole again? Read The Healing Spell by Kimberley Griffiths Little. (Jen, Scholastic Booktalker)