Sun Tunnels and Secrets by Carole Thayne Warburton

Title: Sun Tunnels and Secrets

Author: Carole Thayne Warburton

Publisher: Walnut Springs

Release Date: September ?, 2010

ISBN: 978-1935217756

Size: 337 pages, 6×9, paperback

Genre: General? Romantic Suspense?

Series: A Question of Trust (Sun Tunnels continues this story but can stand alone.)

On a trip to the Sun Tunnels in the Utah desert, Norma and her sisters find a body on the side of the road. But this awful discovery turns out to be the least of their problems. Norma’s husband just passed on, and she learns he kept a secret from her for sixty years. LaRue is keeping a secret from Norma. The sisters’ young friend Tony is keeping a secret about his famous father, and Tony’s mother is keeping a secret of her own. Tony is secretly in love with his friend Kelli, who recently escaped from a polygamist cult. And who is the mysterious young car thief with whom Norma feels a special connection? Everything converges in Grouse Creek at the Fourth of July celebration. Will secrets prove everyone’s undoing?