Title: City Limits (Rhea Jensen Series, Book 3)
Author: Sheralyn Pratt
Publisher: Cedar Fort/Bonneville
Release Date: October 8, 2010
ISBN: 978-1599554235
Size: 224 pages, 5.5×8.5, paperback
Genre: Suspense
Series: City of Angels (bk 1), Welcome to Stalk Lake City (bk 2)
Not eligible for Whitney Award. Previously published.
In the third installment of the Rhea Jensen series, Rhea’s best friend Kay McCoy moves to Salt Lake City to keep a closer eye on Rhea, and Rhea worries that Kay wants things to go back to the way they were in Los Angeles – clubbing, dancing, and men. But when Rhea agrees to do a simple, harmless favor for Kay, she unwittingly sets off a series of events that ends up with a secret society appearing right at her door. The stakes are higher than ever – solving the case means more than just collecting her weekly paycheck. This time, it’s a matter of life and death.