The Water is Wide by Marianne Monson

Title: The Water Is Wide (Mima Journals, book 1)

Author: Marianne Monson

Publisher: Deseret Book

Release Date: October 15, 2010


Size: 224 pages, 5×7.5, softcover

Genre: YA Historical

The Water Is Wide begins the beautifully written story of fourteen-year-old Jemima “Mima” Hough.

After her mother meets a pair of Latter-day Saint missionaries in the small English town of Wooden Box in 1845, Mima hopes that her life won’t change that much. Then her mother decides to emigrate to America.

Mima faces some tough decisions. Should she stay in Liverpool with her brother, or face the journey with her mother?

Mima’s story is one of courage and self-discovery, of heartache and love.

Book 1 of a three-book series, The Water Is Wide begins the epic adventure of a girl who experiences the life of a pioneer as an outsider.