Title: Hashbrown Winters and the Phantom of Pordunce
Author: Frank L. Cole
Publisher: Bonneville (CFI)
Release Date: November 13, 2010
ISBN: 978-1599553986
Size: 128 pages, 5.5×8, softcover
Genre: Middle Grade
Series: The Adventures of Hashbrown Winters (book 1), Hashbrown Winters and the Mashimoto Madness (book 2)
Life at Pordunce is back to normal — well, as normal as ever in the three-ring circus that passes for Hashbrown’s elementary school. But everything changes when a ghostly presence starts roaming the halls. And even worse, Hashbrown’s club may be about to lose one of its founding members. Can Hashbrown save the day?
This snort-worthy, fun-filled roller-coaster ride of a book is guaranteed to get you giggling — assuming you can pry it away from your kids long enough to read it yourself.