Title: Klaus
Author: M. Erickson
Publisher: lulu.com
Release Date: November 30, 2010
ISBN: 978-0557756247
Size: 328 pages, 6×9, softcover
Genre: YA Speculative
Eralee is a misfit among immortals. She is supposed to marry a philandering river Prince. She doesn’t want him. She wants to save the human called Klaus. Klaus lives alone at the edge of the Everaude Forest, a dangerous forbidden place. He’s convinced he will never know love until he meets Eralee. Unfortunately, she’s immortal and he isn’t sure how such a love could work. There is another immortal who wants him. She is Kamichen, the Winter Witch, known in legend for eating men’s hearts. She has plans for Klaus and they don’t include Eralee.