Water and Other Stories by Daron D. Fraley

Title: Water and Other Stories

Author: Daron D. Fraley

Publisher: Self

ISBN: 978-1452394633

Release Date: September 2010

Size: ebook

Genre: Short story collection, Contemporary, Speculative, Historical

Short story collections are not eligible for Whitney Awards.

This anthology was put together specifically for Smashwords as a free ebook offering. It contains the following stories:

PETITIONS: A short story about a homeless man (contemporary fiction).

ANGEL’S SONG: A companion short story to the novel “The Thorn”, book one of “The Chronicles of Gan” (speculative fiction).

WATER: Based on the account found in the Gospel of John, chapter 5, verses 1-16, and the painting by Carl Bloch, “Healing at the Pool of Bethesda” (historical fiction).

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