2010 Christmas Story Contest Winners

Thank you to everyone who submitted a story and to those who read them and commented and voted. We had 42 stories submitted this time. I think that’s a record!

I will make comments on each of these stories during the week, giving you my opinion on what was done well and what needed a little more polish. If you’re not a winner and you’d like to take credit for your story, you may do so in the comments section.

Drum roll, please. . .

Readers Choice Published Author Category: With Wondering Awe by Jennifer Carson Shelton

Publisher’s Choice Published Author Category: Slushballs by Janice Sperry

Readers Choice Unpublished Author Category: A Soldier’s Story by Amie Borst

Publisher’s Choice Unpublished Author Category: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh by Wendy Elliott

Remember, these four winners are guaranteed a spot in a future Christmas book. Others will be included, as well. I will notify all those whose stories will be included in the book via e-mail by the end of the month.

12 thoughts on “2010 Christmas Story Contest Winners”

  1. I'm so excited! Congratulations to all the other winners! Thank you everyone for your kind words and votes!

    There were many wonderful stories and I can't wait to see which ones will be included! I think everyone deserves to win!

  2. Congratulations to all of the winners! Especially to Aime and Wendy, my friends. Whoohoo!

  3. Congratulations to all of the winners, especially Janice
    Sperry. (I may be a little biased there.) I'm sorry I didn't vote or even read most of the entries this year–just too busy and I thought I had until the end of the year to vote.

  4. Will you be making your comments on each story in the comments section of their story or in an email you send out?

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