2010 YA Fantasy Cover Finalists

LDSP comment: This was another category that was hard to judge because I really, really liked every single cover. And there were several other covers that I really liked in this category, but I had to draw the line somewhere.

Flecks of Gold by Alicia Buck
Publisher: Cedar Fort

LDSP comment: Unlike TJ, the blinding goldness of this cover was what attracted me to it. No idea what the book is about, but I love the cover. I really like the way they’ve set the title and the font choices. The author’s name is a good match with it. And I love those starbursts. Good work.

The Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson
Publisher: Scholastic

LDSP comment: This has been my favorite cover of the year ever since I first saw it. I kept thinking something would come along to knock it out of first place in my mind, but nothing ever did. The image here doesn’t do it justice. If you get into a bookstore, look for it on the shelves so you can see the real thing. It is awesome! Colors: awesome! Font: awesome! Illustration: awesome! Element placement: awesome! I love this cover—and the story on the inside is pretty good too.

Intrinsical by Lani Woodland
Publisher: Pendrell Publishing

LDSP comment: This cover screams YA fantasy. I like the colors, the floating feeling, the image of the girl on the front, the placement of elements. The only thing I’d change is the title, to make it stand out a little bit more.

Matched by Ally Condie
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile

LDSP comment: Matched is one of those books where the artwork is so awesome, you don’t care what’s inside. Look closely at that girl in the bubble. She’s melting! I love the clean simplicity of this layout. Great colors. I think this will very much appeal to the target reader (teen girls). The only thing that I’ve taken off points for is that I can’t figure out what the image has to do with the title. Have you read the book? Does it make sense when you’re done?

The Stone Traveler by Kathi Oram Peterson
Publisher: Covenant

LDSP comment: Awesome cover! Again the blue. 2010 is the year of blue. I have looked and looked and I can’t find anything I don’t like about this cover. Yes, it’s a little busy—but it works for me. I like the cat, the title (placement, font and diamond element). I like the South American feel of the carving at the bottom. And is that a planet in the top left? On my To Read Soon Because the Cover Is So Awesome list!

5 thoughts on “2010 YA Fantasy Cover Finalists”

  1. I actually picked The Stone Traveler. The only thing I would change with it is the 'a novel by'. Do we really think this is 'a zoo built by'? Flecks of gold is too blinding. The Forbidden Sea is actually my 2nd pick. A fear of drowning hurts Intrinsical for me. And Matched's simplicity is great, but it's cover seems to have little correlation with its title.

  2. I think that the tag "A novel by" is used because, believe it or not, some readers won't know.

    For example, I saw Lee Nelson's Storm Testament used as a historical reference once. True story.

    And I have a friend who swears Orson Scott Card's Saints is taken from REAL records in the Church's archives. Not.

  3. Love. Love. Love the cover of Matched! It's also one of my favorites this year.

  4. As an entire category, this one had the most eye catching covers for me! (I mean ALL of them, not just one or two in the category.) I loved them all, but I went with Matched. I don't know if the picture has anything to do with the story as mentioned above, but it certainly makes me want to find out!

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