Dearly Departed by Tristi Pinkston

Title: Dearly Departed (Secret Sisters #2)

Author: Tristi Pinkston

Publisher: Walnut Springs Press

Release Date: January 14, 2011

ISBN: 978-1935217893

Size: 270 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Mystery

Series: Secret Sisters

Ida Mae Babbit has done her community service and is a reformed woman—no more law-breaking for her. But when Arlette’s granddaughter Eden discovers a mystery in a fancy nursing home, Ida Mae—with the perfect excuse of a broken wrist and a broken ankle—hecks herself into the place. After all, it is for the greater good. Soon she’s buzzing around in her motorized wheelchair, questioning the residents and swiping files from the office. She’s bound and determined to get to the bottom of this case. But can she solve the mystery before she becomes the next victim?

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