Sacrifice of Souls by Michelle Erickson

Title: Sacrifice of Souls (Chest of Souls, Book 4)

Author: Michelle Erickson


Release Date: January, 2011

ISBN: 978-0557829941

Size: 322 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA Speculative

Series: Chest of Souls (Book 1), Lend Me Your Mind (Book 2), Aftermath (Book 3)

Brenna is on the other side of time to be trained. To her horror, it is a place she cannot reach or see Talon. Others are there, including her mysterious teacher — a woman known only as the Forest Wife. She has eerie eyes yet is beautiful, as hard as Tasut, and as intelligent as Brenna’s mother. That combination doesn’t leave a lot of wiggle room. The Forest Wife already knows Brenna will do whatever she has to do, pay whatever price must be paid, to save Talon. That fact guarantees her obedience — for now. Talon is in Sogo — courtesy of his father’s great fist. He is to be sold at auction and join those destined for the Barracks. He doesn’t understand why. He can’t see how he can protect Brenna while he’s in Sogo. His plan at the moment is to survive the training and the odds are stacked against him: 300-1 .