Title: Tangled Hearts
Author: Roseanne Evans Wilkins
Publisher: Create Space
Release Date: February 18, 2011
ISBN: 978-1456537791
Size: 336 pages, 5.5×8.5, softcover
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Series: Kansas Connection Series—Hidden in the Heart, Change of Heart
Serra Lanning, known as the Chaste Mormon Model Kara Kukaanei, grew up in Salina, Kansas. She is living a lonely life. Her parents have died and her sister, Brooke, hasn’t spoken to her in years. When Brooke shows up with her son in tow and asks Serra to watch him while she and her husband go on vacation to France, Serra’s whole life is turned upside down. Serra’s decision to hide from Brooke’s in-law’s create problems she doesn’t anticipate. When the tires to her new SUV are slashed, she knows she has more to fear than having her nephew taken.