Sudden Peril by Frank Richardson

Title: Sudden Peril

Author: Frank Richardson

Publisher: Bonneville (CFI)

Release Date: April 8, 2011

ISBN: 978-1599554983

Size: 256 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Suspense

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Jamie Madero, an Arizona college student, is not yet ready to serve an LDS mission. Instead, he accepts summer employment with the Freemen Foundation, a group of civic-minded donors and inside investigators whose self-appointed mission is to monitor the activities of organizations that threaten the foundations of free society.

Jamie is still in training when he discovers that the group’s adversaries are ruthless in pursuit of their aims. Gradually, he comes to recognize the evil characteristics and methods of some of the world’s most powerful—and potentially most destructive—secret combinations. Jamie’s companions in this hazardous work are devoted men and women with special skills. They take Jamie into their confidence as he grows in commitment and abilities. But success comes at a terrible price.

As the team coalesces and crisis mounts, events reveal both deceivers and valued allies. Those intending to make the most crucial—and most perilous—contribution to the cause they embrace must do so from the inside. Jamie finds himself surrounded by friends who typify honor, virtue, integrity, and strength, and who are violently confronted by moral opposites. The contest becomes explosive. Even if good triumphs over evil, and that is by no means assured, the questions would remain, at what price, and who will live to see the outcome?