A Far Horizon by Anita Stansfield

Title: A Far Horizon (Shadows of Brierley Series)

Author: Anita Stansfield

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: May 2, 2011

ISBN: 978-1608613151

Size: 208 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Historical Romance

Shadows of Brierley Series: The Wanderer (book 1)

Read excerpt.

The journey had been long and difficult and full of mishaps—even deadly ones. But the words in Ian’s mind seemed . . . as if they encompassed all they’d endured and experienced; all their losses and sorrows. . . . You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, Ian. It was true. He knew it was true. He was exactly where God wanted him to be, and so were those who constituted his family. . . . They were where God wanted them to be; they were on the right path, in the right place at the right time, and they would soon achieve their goal and be united with God’s people.

This is the story of a family whose lives are anything but ordinary—a family whose journey takes them from the luxuries and comforts of a privileged Scottish heritage to the raw realities of a fledgling American frontier and a people who are true to their God and their faith despite relentless persecution. With characters that leave an indelible impression on the reader’s heart, and a series of misfortunes that threatens to break spirits and extinguish faith, A Far Horizon will prove to be a spiritually significant destination well worth the journey