I Am Peter by Arnold S. Grundvig, Jr

Title: I Am Peter

Author: Arnold S. Grundvig, Jr

Publisher: Bonneville (CFI)

Release Date: June 14, 2011

ISBN: 978-1599557915

Size: 480 pages, 4.25×7, softcover

Genre: Historical

He is just a simple fisherman from Galilee, but when the Savior calls he leaves his nets. Striving to understand the Master’s teachings, Peter follows Christ to the cross and beyond, becoming the Lord’s Prophet and Witness.

I Am Peter presents the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, in a correlated, chronological narrative of the life of Jesus, as seen through the eyes of Simon Peter. It includes every verse from the time Peter met Jesus until the Day of Pentecost. The story is filled out with appropriate details from contemporary Roman and Jewish historians, providing a satisfying “texture and color” otherwise absent from a simple reading of the scriptures.

Readers report that I Am Peter makes them feel like they were there to witness everything from the Samaritan woman at the well to seeing Jesus raise Lazarus, from Peter being asked to “Follow Me” to his running to the empty tomb. Peter’s perspective is powerful. He was not a dispassionate observer, but an integral part of the life of the Son of God, and his unique story is insightful.