Title: The Forgotten Locket
Author: Lisa Mangum
Publisher: Shadow Mountain
Release Date: June 9, 2011
ISBN: 978-1609080495
Size: 416 pages, hardcover
Genre: YA Fantasy Romance
Series: The Hourglass Door (book 1), The Golden Spiral (book 2)
The future is uncertain.
The battle to control the past has begun.
The final book in the riveting Hourglass Door trilogy begins when Abby steps through the black door, and she doesn t dare look back. Though it means leaving Dante—wounded, bleeding, and possibly blind—she knows it is the only way to save her family and stop Zo from manipulating the river of time and throwing the future into chaos. In the end, Abby must face a final confrontation that will take her to the very origins of the hourglass door.