Citadels of the Lost by Tracy Hickman

Title: Citadels of the Lost (The Annals of Drakis, book 2)

Author: Tracy Hickman

Publisher: DAW

Release Date: July 5, 2011

ISBN: 978-0756406721

Size: 368 pages, hardcover

Genre: Fantasy

Series: The Annals of Drakis: Song of the Dragon (bk 1)

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The fates of Drakis, former slave warrior of the elven empire of Rhonas, and Soen, former Inquisitor of the Iblisi, are inexorably tied to the magic of Aether-lifeblood of the elven empire and the cause of humanity’s fall. As each searches for the truth beyond legends, he must face his own destiny: Drakis amid the ruins of humanity’s Lost Citadels; Soen in a desperate race to seize control of the farthest Aether Well of the empire…

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