Title: The Trouble with Squids (Splurch Academy for Disruptive Boys, #4)
Author: Julie Gardner Berry
Illustrator: Sally Faye Gardner
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
Release Date: July 21, 2011
ISBN: 978-0448453620
Size: 208 pages, 5×7, softcover
Genre: Middle Grade Graphic Novel
Series: The Splurch Academy — The Rat Brain Fiasco (bk1), Curse of the Bizarro Beetle (bk2), The Colossal Fossil Freakout (bk3)
It’s a squid invasion! The boys uncover an old forgotten swimming pool hidden away below the floor of the school’s gymnasium — and below the surface they discover a whole undersea world that might just provide them with a way to finally escape from Splurch Academy. However, they soon realize that the pool is overflowing with evil monstrous squids.