Title: Hang ‘Em High (Secret Sisters #3)
Author: Tristi Pinkston
Publisher: Walnut Springs Press
Release Date: August 12, 2011
ISBN: 978-1599928005
Size: 258 pages, 6×9, softcover
Genre: Mystery
Series: Secret Sisters (bk 1), Dearly Departed (bk 2)
When Ida Mae Babbitt receives an invitation to visit her son Keith’s dude ranch in Montana, she’s excited to mend their broken relationship, but not so excited about spending time with cows. Arlette and Tansy go along with her, ready to take a vacation that does not involve dead bodies or mysteries of any sort—one must have a break from time to time.
But it seems a no-good scoundrel has moseyed into Dodge City and is bent on causing all sorts of trouble for the ranch. Unable to keep her curiosity in check—especially when it seems her own son is the most likely culprit—Ida Mae decides to investigate.
Can she lasso the varmint and get him to the sheriff in time?
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