Title: The Defender of God (Clan of Stone, book 2)
Author: Kurt Kammeyer
Publisher: Smashwords
Release Date: Aug 15, 2011
ISBN: 978-1-4658-3126-2
Size: approx 117, ebook
Genre: YA Speculative
Series: The Clan of the Stone (book 1)
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Book Two of The Clan of the Stone: At the dawn of the Fifth Eon, the Seer Abdiel adopts a young hunter-gatherer named Brynmor, who is the Chieftain of the White Eagle Clan. He educates Brynmor in the duties of a Seer. Brynmor leads his people across the Olami Mountains to Ganedom, where they face a dual threat from the invading Nordsmen and the space-faring Mangalans.
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