The Hidden Sun by J. Lloyd Morgan

Title: The Hidden Sun

Author: J. Lloyd Morgan

Publisher: Walnut Springs

Release Date: August 17, 2011

ISBN: 978-1599928012

Size: 354 pages, 5.5×8.5, softcover

Genre: Fantasy

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*This book was originally published in 2010. It has been republished with significant changes. It may or may not be eligible for a Whitney Award.

A Faraway kingdom.
A beautiful princess.
A courageous hero.
A ruthless villain.
An impossible choice.

Eliana and Rinan are in love. However, she is destined to become queen of Bariwon, obligated to marry the victor of a competition called the Shoginoc, while Rinan, her royal guardian, is forbidden to marry. Normally they could renounce their titles to be together, but these are not normal times. Abrecan, the malevolent governor of Erd, is determined to win the Shoginoc, thereby placing his easily manipulated son Daimh on Bariwon s throne. Can Eliana and Rinan find a way to be together without jeopardizing the peace they are so desperately trying to protect?

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