Title: The Ember Gods (Kilenya Series, book 2)
Author: Andrea Pearson
Publisher: CreateSpace
Release Date: September 27, 2011
ISBN: 978-1466381612
Size: 280 pages, 5×8, softcover
Genre: YA Fantasy
Kilenya Series: The Key of Kilenya (bk 1)
Jacob Clark has just returned from the world of Eklaron, where he frustrated the evil plans of the Lorkon and returned the magical Key of Kilenya to its rightful owners. His quest is far from over, though—Aloren is trapped in Maivoryl City by the Ember Gods, and Jacob can’t return to save her until he receives the potion that will protect his team from the corrosive influence of the Lorkon.
Balancing between this new world and his own proves tricky. Not only has he started his first year of high school, but his magical abilities are bringing him too much attention. He feels pulled by both sides, hoping he’ll figure out his special powers to save Aloren in time.
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