Title: NYC: Murder Brooklyn Style (A Summer Winter Mystery)
Author: Loraine Scott
Publisher: American Fork Arts Council Press
Release Date: October 13, 2011
ISBN: 978-1605740034
Size: 308 pages, 6×9, paperback
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Series: NYC: A Mission To Die For (book 1)
Summer is back and it’s hotter than ever!
Sister Winter wants to leave a small token of her regard to the recently deceased Raul French, but when she returns to the viewing room she is started to find that his arm has been moved. Then she notices that the gold wedding band she and Elder Winter had forced onto Raul’s corpulent pinkie is missing. Where could it be? Had the bratwurst arm they had so tenderly folded across Raul’s chest moved on its own?
Mustering her courage, Sister Winter hefts up the sleeve of the borrowed suit. Not willing to trust what she sees, Sister Winter looks again. Yep, still there—another arm. In life, Raul French had only the customary two arms. Now, it seems, there are at least three!
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