The Clone Redemption by Steven L. Kent

Title: The Clone Redemption

Author: Steven L. Kent

Publisher: Ace

Release Date: October 25, 2011

ISBN: 978-1937007027

Size: 368 pages, 4×6.8, paperback

Genre: Science Fiction

Series: The Clone Republic (bk 1), Rogue Clone (bk 2), The Clone Alliance (bk 3), The Clone Elite (bk 4), The Clone Betrayal (bk 5), The Clone Empire (bk 6)

Earth, 2516 A.D.: The Unified Authority has spread human colonies across the Milky Way, keeping strict order with a powerful military made up almost entirely of clones. But now the clones have formed their own empire, and they aim to keep it…no matter who they must defeat.

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