Title: Falling In Love Again (Patriot’s Saga)
Author: Marie Higgins
Publisher: Night Shift Publishing
Release Date: November 14, 2011
Size: ebook (91,000 words)
Genre: Historical Romance
Patriot’s Saga Series: Pretending You Are Mine
Marcus Thorne, a notorious pirate who has taken land and become a highwayman, vows to uncover the secrets of the Royal Navy and exact revenge against the man who stole from him. Instead, he captures the enemy’s daughter and keeps her as his prisoner to satisfy the debt. Isabelle Stanhope sees her captor, this mysterious masked man, as a savior. She’d much rather be in his company than participate in the marriage arranged by her father.
Can keeping her prisoner set things right for Marcus, or is he about to suffer another theft—his heart?
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