Firespell by Danyelle Leafty

Title: Firespell  (The Fairy Godmother Dilemma, Book 2)

Author: Danyelle Leafty

Publisher: Danyelle Leafty

Release Date: November 12, 2011

Size: eBook

Genre: YA Fantasy

Series: Catspell (bk 1)

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When Alora’s Prince Charming is chosen due to political expediency,she tries to put her best foot forward. But thanks to a magicalmishap, her feet are webbed and her body resembles that of anovergrown goose.

Her brother creates a charm that enables her to look human frommoonrise until moonset, so she sets out hoping she can convincethe prince she is a girl, rather than the main course. Alora soonlearns that she isn’t the only one with secrets after she stumblesupon an ancient plot that would warp the threads of magic holdingthe land together. When her plan to foil the plot ends up with herPrince-Charming-to-be walking into a trap, Alora finds herselfcaught between an age old grudge and the most powerful creaturein the world: the Firebird.

What she needs is a fairy godmother. What she gets is a frog.

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