House of Diamonds by Karen Jones Gowen

Title: House of Diamonds

Author: Karen Jones Gowen

Publisher: WiDo Publishing

Release Date: November 22, 2011

ISBN: 978-0979607097

Size: 235 pages, 5×8, paperback

Genre: General

Series: Uncut Diamonds (bk 1)

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In this sequel to Gowen’s debut novel, Uncut Diamonds, she follows sisters Cindy and Marcie as they reach a crossroads in their lives. House of Diamonds tells the story of two women, one facing opportunity the other tragedy. Can their bond endure? Marcie pursues her dream of becoming a published writer while Cindy faces a terrible tragedy. In this gripping story of faith, loss and the transcending nature of sacrifice, Gowen gives voice to a beloved baby who has none. She shows the incredible power that comes to families when they pull together to overcome challenges. It is at these times that a house of pain can become a house of diamonds.

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