Title: Tiger’s Voyage (Book 3)
Author: Colleen Houck
Publisher: Splinter
Release Date: November 1, 2011
ISBN: 978-1402784040
Size: 560 pages, hardcover
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Series: Tiger’s Curse (bk 1), Tiger’s Quest (bk 2)
*The first two books in this series were re-releases, but I cannot find any references to this title being published before. It may or may not be eligible for a Whitney award. ??
With the head-to-head battle against the villainous Lokesh behind her, Kelsey confronts a new heartbreak: in the wake of his traumatic experience, her beloved Ren no longer remembers who she is. As the trio continues their quest by challenging five cunning and duplicitous dragons, Ren and Kishan once more vie for her affections–leaving Kelsey more confused than ever.
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