When Kyle Came Back by Melanie Marks

Title: When Kyle Came Back

Author: Melanie Marks

Publisher: Teen Love Publishing

Release Date: November 10, 2011

ISBN: 978-0983931539

Size: 78,000 words, ebook

Genre: YA paranormal

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Seventeen-year-old Rain Tolley’s childhood friend, Kyle Ryan, was abducted 10 years ago. Now, mysteriously, he is back—only where has he been?

Though Kyle is still kind and sweet—and yeah, smokin’ hot—Rain is drawn to him, but afraid of him as well. Kyle seems haunted by the demons from his past—literal demons. Kyle keeps warning Rain to stay away from him—to not get too close. But Rain can’t keep her distance from Kyle. She feels connected to him in a way she can’t explain. But soon Rain discovers she has gotten too involved with Kyle. The dark forces haunting Kyle are now after Rain as well.

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