Wrapping Up 2011

I’m trying to get the 2011 Fiction list for this blog wrapped up and as complete as possible this week. I usually post the full list on Dec 31st, but then it’s too late to encourage Whitney nominations—so I’m shooting for this Friday.

That way, you have the full list in front of you and can make last minute nominations for your favorite books.

Trust me. The Whitney people LOVE last minute nominations. They will thank you for them.

(That is only slightly sarcastic. They would really rather you nominate all year long, but any nomination before the end of the year will be considered.)

(For details on Whitneys & nominations, click here.)

But I digress. This is not a post about the Whitneys. It’s a post about the 2011 LDS Fiction list. This list is for fiction titles written by LDS authors and published in 2011.

I currently have 275 titles on the 2011 Fiction list. That’s a lot. But, unfortunately, I’m sure I’ve missed a few.

That’s where YOU ride to my rescue!

Please take a moment (or 10) and look at the list. Scroll down to view the 2011 Fiction list in the sidebar. If you know of any book that belongs on this list—and it’s missing—please, please, please send me info about it. (Link to info I need.)

As far as I know, the current list is complete. I am not aware of any other books being released through the end of this year. Please correct me if I’m wrong by sending an e-mail ASAP or by posting the title of the book and the author’s name in the comments of this post.

Thanks so much for your help!

Oh, and P.S. Some authors believe that if their book has a post on the LDS Fiction blog, that means they’re automatically nominated for a Whitney. This is not true. My blogs have no official connection with the Whitney Awards. This LDS Fiction blog is simply to make readers aware that a book exists. It’s up to the reader of the book to nominate it for a Whitney. (Authors and publishers may not nominate their own books.)