Funeral Potatoes by Joni Hilton

Sydney hates funerals, overlong programs, creepy corpses, warbly singing. But she loves gooey, cheesy funeral potatoes. And these days, between her ward and neighborhood and extended family, it seems like there’s always a funeral for the Relief Society president to attend. Not fun occasions, of course, but not terribly traumatic either which is good, considering how crazy life is already with taking care of four little kids and one inactive brother.

Ted is the lone black sheep amongst the blond-haired, blue-eyed OllerVanKeefers (rhymes with overachievers) and his lack of a testimony coupled with his lack of overall ambition has Syd concerned perhaps a bit too concerned, given how she sometimes prays for a not-too-serious car crash to shake him up a bit. But when a real crisis hits the family and Syd sees the shadowy side of picture-perfect happiness, she realizes that she’s been praying for the wrong things, and that nobody needs to run faster than she has strength even if (especially if) you’re a former all-state track star. You’ll laugh out loud with this enchanting tale that will help you find the joy in your own less-than-perfect family and in life’s little comforts, like funeral potatoes.

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Title: Funeral Potatoes

Author: Joni Hilton

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: February 2012

ISBN: 978-1-60861-920-7

Size: 194 pages, 6×9, paperback

Genre: General, Humor

2 thoughts on “Funeral Potatoes by Joni Hilton”

  1. I LOVE Joni Hilton’s humor.
    This book takes an interesting look into families and how they function.
    Filled with humor it is fun to read, yet will make you really think about yourself and your family.
    I love the Book Club Questions at the end of the book…
    Here are a few:

    *Do you know any families who are high achievers?
    *How do you measure success?
    *Does you family place and inordinate amount of focus on appearances?
    *Have you ever felt your problems outweigh another person’s?
    *Is competition healthy, or is it rooted in jealousy and resentment?

    She also gives a wonderful Funeral Potato recipe! YUM!

  2. Oh My Gosh!! This book was so funny. My favorite part was the cell phone Hawaiian language option. I laughed so hard I fell off my couch! And I also love the recipe. It is my families new favorite way to make potatoes. Don’t miss the marriage advice. Oh and the young women’s camp check list. Oh so good. We used this book for a book group and laughed the whole night.

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