Ninth Crossing: Discovery by Kate Gordon

When a woman says she loves a man more than her own life, it’s understood she’s speaking metaphorically. But then, she just might be serious.

Reagan Sullivan is a thoroughly modern woman. She’s thirty-one, an honors graduate of Yale, and a six year veteran of the Secret Service, sworn to protect the vice president of the United States—who happens to be a widower. A good looking widower. Despite these accolades—and distractions—Agent Sullivan is a no-nonsense woman in every respect.

Her younger sister, Heather, currently a Rhodes Scholar PhD. candidate and an Olympic rowing medalist, is also a product of the twenty-first century. Together they’re an unbeatable combination … and not bad on the eyes either.

When Reagan meets two Irish elves—one of whom kidnaps her from a ladies bathroom in Oslo, Norway—all bets are off. These elves are nothing like you imagine. Both are well over six feet and strikingly handsome. And both think Reagan is quite fetching herself. And they’re not guarding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but they do have a twinkle in their eyes and romance in their hearts.

If that wasn’t enough, when Reagan meets her fifth great grandmother, Eimile, born in Ireland in 1630 … and she turns out to be the current-day queen of the Western Realm … and she puts Reagan’s life in danger to save the kingdom … well, things get a little more airy-faerie.

But not everything is so calm in the Western Realm. A Civil War is brewing, the vice president of the United States is in danger, and Reagan has to come to grips with a discovery that changes her life forever. Humor and light-hearted romance, yes, but a serious story about corruption, power, and the length to which men—and women—will go to achieve their ends. Elf or human.

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Title: Ninth Crossing: Discovery

Author: Kate Gordon (Gordon Ryan and Kate Armitage)

Publisher: Pegusus Publishing

Release Date: April 13, 2012


Size: 184 pages, ebook

Genre: Paranormal Romance