Camp NaNoWriMo

I just this morning found out about Camp NaNoWriMo in June. I tried to participate last year, but their website was not working right and eventually I gave up. But this year, it looks great. My mild-mannered alter-ego is going to participate.

Don’t know what Camp NaNoWriMo is? It’s a version of the regular NaNoWriMo (held in November), but held in June and again in August. It works better for students, teachers, and anyone who has more free time in the summer months than in November.

From their website:

At Camp NaNoWriMo you’ll get the support, encouragement, and resources you need to write a novel in a month. When you create an account, you’ll be able to:

  • plan your novel
  • track your noveling progress
  • create a cabin full of likeminded writers
  • receive online encouragement from staff, fellow campers, friends, and family

So, who’s with me? Post your NaNo user name so we can connect.

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