Earthbound by Theresa Sneed

Heaven—a perfect place, beautiful and serene in every way, except one. As the time draws near for the first of the spirits to leave their home in heaven, a group of rebellious dissenters begins to appear at every blue-planet planning meeting, demanding that all spirits are ruled by compulsory choice as mortals on the planet, instead of having the freedom to choose for themselves.

Daniel is a courageous Freedom Fighter, who vehemently opposes the No Choice movement. Sophie is taken aback by his strong desire to do what’s right and his intense blue eyes. But she also has a strange attraction to the handsome and ostentatious Coe, a leader of the No Choice movement, who has his sights on her and will stop at nothing to claim her as his own.

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Title: Earthbound (prequel to No Angel)

Author: Theresa Sneed

Publisher: Walnut Springs Press

Release Date: May 1, 2012

ISBN: 978-1599928548

Size: 254 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Paranormal Romance

No Angel Series: No Angel (bk 1)

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