June 2012 Prize Sponsors

Last month’s prize winners announced HERE.

There are new (as of THIS MONTH!) guidelines and entry requirements for winning one of these books. Please take a look at the updated Official Rules.

A big thank you to our Prize Sponsors! Please take a moment to learn more about this month’s wonderfully generous sponsors.


Altercation by Tamara Heiner

The FBI promises Jacinta Rivera and her friends that they are safe. Jaci wants desperately to believe them but weeks of hiding from their kidnapper, alias “The Hand”, have left her wary. Hidden from the public eye in an FBI safe house, Jaci must reconcile both her father’s mysterious disappearance and the murder of her best friend.

A betrayal lands Jaci back in the grasp of The Hand, shattering her ability to trust and leaving her to wonder if she will ever piece together her broken life.


About Tamara Hart Heiner: I live in Arkansas with my husband and three children. I graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English. I teach English in the mornings and spend the rest of the day avoiding laundry and other chores, all in the name of parenting. Sometimes I get to sit down in front of the computer and write for a few hours. And if my husband’s lucky, I make something for dinner besides macaroni and cheese.


Change of Heart by Roseanne Evans Wilkins

Post image for Change of Heart by Roseanne Evans Wilkins


Christina Andrews is trying to put the pieces of her broken heart together. She accepts a generous offer from her aunt and uncle to accompany them to Israel to watch their infant son.

While watching her cousin, she finds herself face to face with the Japanese Mafia and becomes the only obstacle for them to execute a plan none can hope to survive.

Roseanne Evans Wilkins: was the second oldest of 9 children, so I grew up in a house full of noisy kids. Craig grew up in a house with just 2 quiet kids. Opposites attract lol. Since I’m the one home, we filled the house with kids. I’d go crazy with silence. Craig manages the noise level by traveling all over the U.S. teaching other adults how to audit.

With 5 kids in sports, I keep busy running them to their practices and games. After hectic days running kids everywhere and taking care of three pre-schoolers, I find quiet time after everyone is in bed to write. I hope you enjoy the results :) .

You can visit Roseanne at her blog, Roseanne’s Spot.


Gifts and Consequences by Daniel Coleman

When multi-millionaire Jonathan Wheeler’s wife contracts a debilitating illness, it transforms both of their lives. No longer concerned with business and finance, Jonathan turns his attention to giving. But no gift comes without a price, and those unwilling to pay the price learn that no gift comes without a consequence.

The recipients of these gifts vary as greatly as the terms of Jonathan’s unusual contracts. From the high school Senior who gets sold-out concert tickets, and the food addict who receives tuition to a weight loss program, to the man who is given the chance to walk to the ends of the earth to save his true love’s life.

Each accepts the gift with the understanding that there’s always a catch, and anyone who agrees to Jonathan’s terms risks losing even more than they stand to gain.


Daniel Coleman spends his time back and forth between two worlds – the fantastic world of Writing where happy endings are common, and the very real- life world of Firefighting where the outcomes are as varied as the emergencies.A small farming town in northern Utah is his home, where he resides with his wife, 3 kids and an ever-changing menagerie.

Daniel got his start in writing the same place he started reading–Fantasy (See Jabberwocky and Hatter). But other projects demanded their due and Gifts and Consequences resulted. He is currently working on follow-up books as well as polishing a science-based Urban Fantasy novel, New Phoenix Rising, which recently won First Place in the League of Utah Writers Contest!


With All My Love, Misty by Misty Covington

He comes from a dysfunctional home where the brothers were involved with violence and drug use. She comes from a supportive, loving family environment. Both are Mormons. Both served missions for their church. She works in a drug rehab facility as a counselor. He comes to the facility on a court-ordered drug rehab program. It is where they meet: Dino DiLello, the charismatic and natural leader, too often on the wrong side of the law and Misty Squire, the pretty blonde social worker eighteen years his junior, who has a firm commitment to doing what s right.

Dino and Misty are drawn together in a powerful love that surprises them both. They are married and face a bright and hopeful future. Dino has left his lawless past behind him. Or has he? The night that changes everything brings up troubling questions.

As Misty comes to terms with her worst fears, she must also decide at what cost to pursue the truth behind that night. And somehow she must learn to live with a grief that seems to break her heart beyond all healing.

Misty Covington is a story teller of life.  Some sad. Some funny.  Most teach. All true.  When she is not telling the stories of life, she’s living them by trying to help the world as a social worker and public speaker, to be the best wicked step-mother in the history of wicked step-mothers, by being the last and best wife to her husband, and trying anything new as long as there is an ice cream treat afterwards.


When I changed the way I had you enter to win books, my comments dropped dramatically. So we’re trying something new: RAFFLECOPTER!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

One entry per comment per day! One extra entry for “liking” LDS Publisher on Facebook. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. You must be 18 years or older to enter. Limited to U.S. residents. Deadline to enter: June 30, 2012, midnight, Eastern Time. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. CLICK HERE to read the Official Rules.

*P.S. The first time you leave a comment on the blog, I have to approve it/you. I had to do this because of all the spam this site has been attracting lately. After that first approval, your comments go live immediately. You don’t have to wait for approval to enter your name in Rafflecopter.

CLICK HERE for details on sponsoring the contest.

6 thoughts on “June 2012 Prize Sponsors”

  1. Anna Maria, some publishers & authors are willing to ship to Canada but most are not. However, I’m working on allowing winners to choose print or ebook (when available). If sponsors are agreeable, that would open it up to anyone with email.

  2. All 4 books looks very good! I am excited to read all of them…eventually! I really love using the Rafflecopter form on my blog for the giveaways! It makes it so easy to use for you and those entering! Thanks so much for the chance!!

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