Check Out Checkin’ It Twice

It’s not available for sale yet, but Checkin’ It Twice & Other Heartwarming Holiday Tales is on the way!

While we’re waiting for the official release, we have a fun blog with author photos and interviews for you to check out at:

We also have a fan page on Facebook where we’re currently holding a Christmas Capers photo contest. Go give us a “like” and enter your own photos to win prizes, or just go vote for the ones that are there.

We also have some fun mini-events planned over the next month.

AND. We’re looking for BOOK BLOGGERS to review Checkin’ It Twice. Review copies will be in the ebook format of your choice. You need to blog regularly, have an established readership/fan base, and a high percentage of LDS readers, as CIT includes stories with LDS themes and contests. If you’re interested, email Karlene at Rosehaven. Send the URL of your blog. She’ll check it out and if it’s a good match, she’ll send you review information.

P.S.—Look for info on this year’s Christmas story contest to start showing up here next month.




2 thoughts on “Check Out Checkin’ It Twice”

  1. I am interested in doing a review of Checkin’ It did not complete the e-mail we are suppose to send to: Karlene at rosehaven dot ?
    Please let me know.

    1. If you launch your email software, then click the link, it should bring it up. But if it doesn’t, it’s karleneb [at] rosehavenpublishing [dot] net

      Sorry about that.

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