John Taylor & the Mystery Puzzle by Christy Monson

Micah put the phone back together and touched the screen.


“Maybe it needs to dry,” said Micah, opening up the back and leaving the phone in the sun. After a few minutes, he put it back together, but still nothing. “What are we going to do?”

“Maybe we’re stuck here forever,” said Alicia.

Micah and Alicia are excited to meet John Taylor as a child in England, so they use their dad’s special time-travel phone to get there. But when the phone breaks and won’t let them return to their own time, they must follow the prophet around the world and throughout his lifetime to solve the puzzle that will bring them home.

Read excerpt

Title: John Taylor & the Mystery Puzzle (Texting Through Time)

Author: Christy Monson

Publisher: Bonneville Books (CFI)

Release Date: November 13, 2012

ISBN: 978-1462110841

Size: 176 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Middle Grade Speculative/Historical

Texting Through Time Series: A Trek with Brigham Young (bk 1)

4 thoughts on “John Taylor & the Mystery Puzzle by Christy Monson”

  1. What an interesting premise. I know my students love the idea of time traveling and would love to give it a try. This would be a great book for them to read. I’ll have to pick it up.

  2. What a FUN concept!
    Micah and Alicia have a really, really smart phone.
    In fact this phone is so smart that with a push of the PAST, PRESENT or FUTURE screen Micah and Alicia can time-travel.
    Time and place this trip?
    John Taylor, Third Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Boyhood.
    With that Micah and Alicia are swirled back in time to when John Taylor was a boy.
    Their adventure continues on through John Taylor’s lifetime and the many things he accomplished.
    Each time they “travel” with President Taylor the phone requires them to “text” their journal of the experience back home.
    The only glitch with the phone…they must solve a puzzle by taking pictures at different times of their journey before they can go back home.
    This book has wonderful illustrations of the different pictures and how they fit into the puzzle.
    Wonderful way to re-tell the life of a prophet especially in today’s technology-filled world.

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