Where Do I Find an LDS Editor?

I asked myself this question last February and after looking at many sites in Utah and outside, too, I wasn’t able to find what I was looking for. All of the editing services I found were doing it the old-fashioned way of having the writer print a manuscript on paper and mailing it to them. They would then mark it up and mail it back.

I wanted someone who used the “change tracking” and “review/comment” utilities in most word processors to do the work. I wanted to just email the editor my document, have them mark it up and email it back and I then work the edits in the document, accepting some and rejecting others.

Finally, I went onto KSL.com and posted a job with these qualifications. I received about 25 hits of which five were qualified. I then sent them a document to edit and they sent it back. I made my choice from that.

It worked out very well. We went through the entire book and now it [self-published].

Makes me wonder how you do this.

I pretty much do it the way you described. Almost all my work is electronic until we get to the press proof stage.

As for finding an LDS editor, they’re all over the place. Editors: Want to put your links in the comments?

One thought on “Where Do I Find an LDS Editor?”

  1. I’m part of Precision Editing Group. Unless a client specifically wants a hard-copy edit, we use track changes. Same goes for when I do freelance work for clients outside of Precision Editing.

    I’ve worked on all kinds of projects, including projects for Shadow Mountain and Deseret Book–novels, non-fiction, even Women’s Conference addresses. All in electronic. All track changes.

    Sometimes final proofs are hard copy–but that’s not uncommon. The human eye can find little mistakes on paper better than on a screen.

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