2012 Christmas Story Voting Instructions

Please read the voting instructions carefully before casting your votes.

Voting for LDSP’s 2012 Christmas Story Contest starts NOW!

VOTE between Monday, December 17 and midnight (Mountain) on Wednesday, December 19th.**


Voting Info:

  1. There will be four winners:
    Readers Choice (Published authors)
    Readers Choice (Unpublished authors)
    Publisher’s Choice (Published authors)
    Publisher’s Choice (Unpublished authors). 
  2. Publisher’s Choice winners will be judged on a variety of criteria, according to a point system. But it basically boils down to quality of writing, uniqueness of story and what I think will best sell a book.
  3. You can vote by whatever criteria you want, just don’t make it an author popularity contest.
  4. You MAY vote for your own story. (In fact, you should. I am constantly amazed by the number of stories that receive no votes. What’s wrong with you people??)
  5. You may vote twice in each category: Published and Unpublished. 

    Click HEREto read all stories by Published Authors. There are 12. Vote for two.Click HERE to read all stories by Unpublished Authors. There are 8. Vote for two.

    NOTE: Due to the limitations of the software, all stories in a category may not show up on one page. After you’ve read the first batch, click the OLDER POSTS link at the bottom right below the last story to go to the next page of stories.


  6. To Place Your Vote: The word “VOTE” must appear in your comment. Leave a comment for the story you’re voting for with the words, I VOTE FOR THIS ONE or THIS ONE GETS MY VOTE or some other phrase that CLEARLY indicates you are voting. Comments that say, “I like this one…” will not be counted as a vote.
  7. You may make all the comments you like, but VOTING must contain the word VOTE.
  8. Anonymous votes count. We’re using the Honor System here and trusting that no one will over vote.
  9. AUTHORS: Please tell your friends that you’ve submitted a story and to come read and vote, but DO NOT tell them which story is yours. We want the stories to win on merit, not personal popularity. 
  10. I’ll announce the winners on Friday, December 21st.

**This is a change in the voting deadline date.

[P.S. All comments on the stories and Voting Comments will enter you in the Monthly Comment Contest.]