Farworld: Air Keep by J Scott Savage

The adventure continues…

It’s been six months since Marcus and Kyja obtained the help of the land and water elementals. But before they can get help from the mysterious air elementals they have to figure out how to open a box with no key. Together, Marcus and Kyja travel into the Is, the Was, the Will Be, and the Never Was as they try to open the box, save their city, free Land Keep and Water Keep from water and land elementals who have joined the Dark Circle.

Marcus still has to find a way to change the future, and save Kyja s life, but there s a catch: any changes they make in the Abyss of Time may destroy the doorway, trapping them forever…

Even with his physical disability, Marcus is able to accomplish great things. This is a story of determination and friendship, and of having the courage to make those hard decisions.

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Title: Air Keep (Farworld #3)

Author: J Scott Savage

Publisher: Shadow Mountain

Release Date: February 26, 2013

ISBN: 978-1609073251

Size: 336 pages, hardcover

Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

Farworld Series: Water Keep (bk 1), Land Keep (bk 2)

One thought on “Farworld: Air Keep by J Scott Savage”

  1. This book has been YEARS in the making…but so worth the wait.
    Yes…the adventure continues…and what an amazing adventure it is!
    As I was reading I kept thinking…”this is as good as Fablehaven.”
    And “this is as good as Lord of the Rings.”

    You will fall in love with the characters and cheer them on as they battle to bring together not only Water, Land, Air, and Fire but also Far World and Earth.

    While the story is written as a middle reader it has kept me plenty entertained!
    My husband and grown boys have read this series too and loved it as well.

    This series is a definite must read for all ages 🙂

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