About the Fiction Posts…

First up today is a bit of business.

On Friday, I referenced some big changes coming to the blog. I’m planning to leak the changes out a little bit each week through the end of this month. There’s one pretty BIG change I hadn’t planned to leak until mid-May.


Over the weekend, I got no fewer than a dozen e-mails asking what was up with the new release spotlight posts. Most of them lost the book cover images in one fell swoop about a week ago. Oops!

Well, that was my fault. I was working on a new change and clicked the wrong button or something and—POOF! There is no easy fix. I know this because I tried a few and the results were zip.

The only option remaining is to repost every image individually. And I’m not going to do that because it would take hours and hours and hours to put them back up. I know this for sure because I spent 30 hours last week adding those same images HERE.

Yes, that’s one of the new changes. All the fiction spotlight posts are being moved over to their own sweet site: New LDS Fiction.

I had hoped to be a little further along on this new site before announcing it, but since so many of you have asked about those fiction posts, I decided to unveil today. TA-DA!

So far, I’ve got the 2013 and 2012 posts fixed with the new format with covers. (Yay!) (All the past years will be spiffed up by the end of May.) Most of the info pages are done.

(And yes, comments on the new site enter you to win one of the sponsoring books. In fact, for this month only, you can get double points for making the same comment on the same book on both sites.)

I also made a Facebook page—which is depressingly naked right now, but go ahead and click on over there and “Like” it. Do it now while you’re thinking about it. I’ll wait.

Done? Okay.  You’ll be glad you did when I announce…uh…something else later this month.

I still need to get my sidebar links corrected, the RSS feed up, subscribe by e-mail, and the other social media things going. I also need to work out some details on a few of the new features—like the Book Club. And the little images that show other posts you might like are going skewampy, so I have to figure that out too. But pretty much, the site is live and good to go.

All future new release spotlight posts will be there
at New LDS Fiction, not here.

And in just a few minutes, we’ll start the regularly scheduled, pre-Whitney Award posting party.