An Announcement and a Party

LDSP1_300Earlier in the month I hinted that there were some changes coming and that I’d make a big announcement. Well, here it is.

I’m ending this blog.


Don’t panic! I’m leaving it up as a resource and I’ll be indexing it so that it will be easier to find information. But basically, things have changed and I’ve run out of things to say.

I started the blog in 2006, when I worked at a publishing company. Blogging was an attempt to help new writers who were completely stymied by the publishing process. By providing information and explanations, I hoped to prevent them from shooting themselves in the foot, so to speak.

I also hoped to make my life a little easier by reducing the number of completely inappropriate submissions I received from authors on a daily basis.

And it worked! It worked really well. And I’ve enjoyed watching the newbies who asked questions in the early days become successful published authors.

Over the past 7 years, the blog has changed a lot. It morphed from a free Blogger blog to this self-hosted site. The content changed from a simple question and answer format in the beginning, to include spotlights of new releases by LDS authors, guest posts by authors and other publishers, monthly book giveaways, story contests, and reading challenges.

My life has changed over the years, as well. I’ve left the day-to-day ranks of publishing. While I’m still actively involved in the  industry, I am no longer an acquisitions editor and therefore, no longer receive daily inspiration for blog posts. I’m also really busy in my new job and it’s been harder to find time to make the posts.

So after thinking about this for over a year, I’ve decided it’s time to archive this site and move on to other things—like the New LDS Fiction site.

A part of me is really sad about this. I’ll miss it. And so, to make me feel better about it, I need to celebrate with a party—the culmination of which will be a reveal of my true identity!

[Ha! You clicked the link, didn’t you? You thought I was going to tell you today? Nope. Not until Friday.]

Not that my true identity is a huge secret anymore. A lot of you sneaky readers have tricked me into revealing my identity. And I’ve really made no effort to hide my writing voice, so astute “listeners” who also know me in real life may have already made the connection. And then some of  you whom I confided in during the early years have blabbed. (Shame on you!)

But for the handful of readers who still don’t know who I am—or who only suspect my identity—I will reveal myself on Friday.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll reveal a hint every day.

And I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card
to one lucky person who helps me spread the word
about the New LDS Fiction site!


To enter to win the gift card, use the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

10 thoughts on “An Announcement and a Party”

    1. Shauna, I just logged in as LDSBookGeek and followed you. Hope that helps. And hope I followed the right Shauna Wheelwright. 🙂

  1. You’ve been an enormous help to me on my publishing journey. Thanks so much for all the time, effort, and care you put into this site.

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