Whitney Reading Word Count Reader

Jim Haberkorn sent an email reminding me about Whitney Award widgets…

Here is a free word count widget that is easily adjusted to count the number of Whitney finalists you’ve read.

Get your own counter here.

It’s simple, elegant and you get to control a lot of the various options, like color, font, and size.

Just go to CritiqueCircle.com and use their word meter builder. It’s really easy and has instructions for each element of the widget.

Paste the code into an HTML widget box on your blog.

As you read, you’ll need to open the widget box and adjust the first set of numbers in the code, but that’s really easy to do.

And the Whitney buttons with the cool image and the yea those updated soon.

UPDATE: I just realized that I’m out of town until the middle of next week and the artwork is on my computer at home. Will update those Whitney buttons when I get home.

Whitney Reading Counter Widget

It took a lot of Googling to find this. Good thing I have mad googling skillz…

I found a free word count widget that is easily adjusted to count the number of Whitney finalists you’ve read.

It’s simple, elegant and you get to control a lot of the various options, like color, font, and size.

Just go to CritiqueCircle.com and use their word meter builder. It’s really easy and has instructions for each element of the widget.

Paste the code into an HTML widget box on your blog.

As you read, you’ll need to open the widget box and adjust the first set of numbers in the code, but that’s really easy to do.

Let me know how you like it. 🙂

Fun Whitney Reading Counter

Someone from the Authors Incognito list e-mailed me and suggested using a fun little word count meter to show our Whitney Finalist reading progress.

13 / 35

I’ve posted mine in the sidebar.

To get one for yourself, go to http://svenja.atspace.com/wordmeter.html

You’ll want to bookmark that site because you do have to go back there to generate code each time you update your count, but it’s pretty easy to do.

Thanks for the tip!

Update: I do not know why the image in this post is freaking out. The one in my sidebar looks perfect!