Convention Countdown–Day 5

Finished my catalog and got it off to the printer. (3.25 hours) I was feeling really bad about how behind I was on this project. (Yes, I’m the kind of person who thinks they’re late if they’re not 10 minutes early, but still…I really am behind this time.) Anyway, I was feeling bad about this, and what an unprofessional reflection this was upon me, when I discovered that one of my colleagues is even further behind on their catalog! I had to choke back a cackle of glee–not over their misfortune, but…well, let’s be honest. It was over their misfortune. Misery loves company, what can I say?

Talked with a couple of authors about last minute convention details. Finished our promo pieces–well, actually, I just looked at the finished pieces. My employees had to put them all together. They look pretty cool, even if they are a last minute throw-together. Got a couple of compliments on them from non-employees (aka people who don’t have to suck up to keep their jobs). That made me feel better. I always feel like a nerd when I’m trying to create visual displays. Flat surfaces (like paper), I do okay with; but for 3-D objects, I’m about as creative as a rock.

Put together another marketing piece (5 hours). Have to proof it tomorrow morning and send it to the press. Then I only have one more page of show specials to put together. And the posters–all the new book covers. That shouldn’t be too hard. (Knock on wood.)

Now I have to go because there’s a bowl of ice cream calling my name.